Meaningfully reducing consumption of meat and animal products is an unsolved problem: A meta-analysis
Green SA, Smith B, Mathur MB. Under review.— Article PDF
Effect of a default portion-size reduction on meat consumption and diner satisfaction: Controlled experiments in university dining halls
Voşki A, Braginsky M, Zhang A, Bertoldo J, Egan S, Levig LA, Ihrig MM, Mathur MB (in press). BMC Public Health. — Article PDF
Price-, taste-, and convenience-competitive plant-based meat would not currently replace meat
Peacock JR. Under review. — Article PDF
Effects of an educational planetary plate graphic on meat consumption in Stanford University dining hall: A randomized controlled trial
Marcone AL, Darmstadt GL, Amsler Challamel G, Mathur MB, Gardner CD. BMC Nutrition, 9:106. — Article PDF
Plant-based default nudges effectively increase the sustainability of catered meals on college campuses: Three randomized controlled trials.
Boronowsky RD, Zhang AW, Stecher C, Presley K, Mathur MB, Cleveland DA, et al (2022). Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems. — Article PDF