Contribute to a more humane and sustainable future.
The Humane & Sustainable Food Lab relies on contributions from individuals, granting agencies, and foundations. We have many shovel-ready projects aligned with our current priorities, and we can’t wait to pursue them. We could expand significantly by hiring more individuals, such as postdoctoral fellows, PhD students, and permanent staff, to pursue these projects. Private contributions are especially crucial for expanding our team, since long-term hiring is often not covered by project-based grant mechanisms.
Please make sure you select “Other Stanford Designation” from the drop-down menu and write in “Gift to the Humane & Sustainable Food Lab directed by Dr. Mathur.” (Stanford requires this exact wording to properly process the gift.)
For questions about giving, please contact:
Medical Center Development
Phone: 650-725-2504
Email: medicalgiving@stanford.edu
Website: medicalgiving.stanford.edu
Stanford University is a non-profit organization and gifts are tax deductible.
Thank you for considering investing in our work.